Sunday, December 28, 2014

Beginning to End

In the beginning we 
Worked with our hands.
We brought blueprints to the table 
And talked about
Shelves and
And books
And music.

Then we slowly had 
And less 
In common.

It started with my abhorring The National.
And you didn't know I hate The Smiths.
So that is a conversation for another 
Day that we will never 

And you hated things you didn't know about
Like Teen Wolf.
And how I dyed my hair.
Because you like 
Natural girls
That play guitar 
And sing

But not me.
You never really liked

I was "Too,"
Too nerdy,
Too insecure,
In too much makeup,
Wearing colors that were too strange 
I was too talkative,
My writing was too dark.

And you were too good
For me.

I wonder if you'll ever read this.
You won't. You won't.
Silence is all you are now-
The static fray 
On the other end of 
My telephone.

You never liked talking to me much 
I don't know if that's a lie or not.

I remember when we COULD talk;
When we could carry on a 
Conversation for hours.
But you wanted to.

That's the difference.
I wish 
I could pinpoint the moment you stopped
Wanting me.
But I don't even think you know.
Because you'd come back and touch 
Me anyway,
When it was convenient for you.

Until you stopped.
I read this book once that said something like:
"He's a man made up of excuses and when you stop making excuses for him, he will disappear entirely."
You didn't talk to me for two days
After I stopped
Treating the wound.

It started and ended with The National.
On the way home from your house,
I coincidentally heard the familiar lines
Of the only song
I can stomach by them:

"I...need my girl."
But you didn't.
You don't.

Maybe I was never yours
To begin with.

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