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Sunday, May 8, 2016

In Cavities

I misplaced Jesus like a mismatched shoe thrown
Out of my peripherals
While scrambling to collect myself.

"I wear a necklace of onyx"
Said the cleft-palate woman
At my Left Leaning Art Show.

"It's to protect the heart in my chest."

Where your treasure is...

There's an 8 year old kid
With a gaping hole of negligence
Inside their head.

"Grandma taught me how to floss..."
I said
As I pilfered through the "Captain's Treasure"
With my ruddy,
Babe, fingers
Sailor Moon

I never stuck it to anything.
I think I knew at a young age
Everything is vapor.
I've never stuck to anything.

Instead, I placed it between
The crisp
Pages of
Precious Moments Bible
To keep forever.

Jesus, did you make a way for me?

I was baptized that summer
Before a belly-full of chicken fried steak and gravy
To celebrate
(Like the angels
In heaven do).

I told Pop
I was going to be a missionary when I grew up.

I yelled it from the bathroom
As I was examining my cavity
In the round mirror.
Right before
The dentist yanked the deadness out.

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