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Monday, January 26, 2015

A Season of Solitude

This is the Season of Solitude--the most cathartic and edifying season of all. Jesus has quieted my extrovert; soothed her to sleep. I read constantly, I journal constantly, I pray constantly. My thoughts are whole and without anxiety. I have peace. The Lord beckons me on winter walks. We study the houses in Lockeland Springs on snowy nights. I have no documentation of this. You will have to take my word for it. I have no instagram, no facebook, no twitter--no pseudo communication...no false sense of intimacy. As soon as I logged off, people I would have never expected contacted me and wanted to meet up for coffee...for the first time ever. I have had intense, intentional connection with people both inside and outside The Anchor community. I don't get invited to parties, or house shows. I am grateful. I don't want to go. I would rather take a bath. I would rather dive into the word or devour a good piece of literature. I am currently studying the work of C.S. Lewis with my friend Neal. God is good.
 God is so good. 
 Winter is not all ugly, or sad, or gruesome. 
 Snow is soft.
 The streets illuminate. 
 I walk with Jesus on 21st on a cold Saturday night. 
 I am not medicating anymore. 
 I have peace in the still-
 Peace in my thoughts-
 Peace in solitude.
 The foolish are gone now. I only hear those wise in heart, bearers of truth, those who pursue. There
 is no senseless chatter, no false doctrine, no wolves in sheep's clothing. There is only this...

 Season of silence--and sleep--and prayer--and joy.
 Joy season.