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Monday, November 11, 2013

I suppose this is "Without You"

    Dear You, 
     [I suppose this is "Without You"].

     Between sky and earth I quilt my skin with the navy and crimson patchwork of my grandmother's hands. November invites Herself into my lungs. Her nakedness pierces my throat--expands the walls of my chest. Her reality is familiar. I am grateful to experience Her alone because she has only ever known me as lonely.
     I rest my head against the iron rungs of the three-flight staircase. The naked lightbulb of my third story solace illuminates the freckles of my right arm. 

    This is my vulnerability. 
    I was twenty years old when I fell in love with you. I fought the night with eager eyes as I listened to you sigh off to sleep. My lips blossomed against your skin: You were oxygen. I used to compose you into cursive letters, engage you with stories [we would always end up together]. 
    My trees are grown now.
    My face is composed of new shapes. 
    I fall asleep to the sound of transfixed stars. 

   [In the still state 
   Between Asleep 
   And Awake]
   You are vivid.
   I memorize you for a moment--
   Some figment of a translucent 
   Your lining fades
   As I drift off to sleep 
   Or as I encounter 

   All of this is beautiful.

   When the sky is clear, I take walks alone. I enjoy my own company. Sometimes my solitude is so full it spills out over the sides of me. I have stopped apologizing for this. This is the way God made me.

   When there are too many words, 
   It feels good to submit to the night and 
   Be still.

   I have peace with my own thoughts. 
   I have peace with the absence of my thoughts. 
   I have peace with the absence. 

   I have made peace with
   "Without You,"

   Woke up one day
   In completeness--

   Oblivious to the slow 
   Transition of 
   My solidifying bones.

   New frames bolster the once dilapidated house
   [Whose song resounds inside my

   You broke a lot of things
   When you went away walking. 

   But I am more than 