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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Doobedoop doop doo.

1. My art has nothing to do with how talented I am, how organized it is, or its execution. It is simply a reflection of my vulnerability, willingness to heal and be a vessel for the grand creator.
2. Nothing is new under the sun. I'm not original. Neither are you. Every poet that ever lived is by some measurement system better and worse than I am. I am utterly brilliant and horrifically terrible. If it could actually be measured by sticks or stones it wouldn't be art. Decide what I am to you. Remember it's in our best interest to learn from each other.
3. There is good in stick figures. Last week, 3 year-old Lucy drew her legs out of proportion. Brought to life--she would be 10 ft. tall.

     That's the only REALISM I ever want to learn, my friends.
4. I don't want to be cool. If Chris Bernstorf has taught me anything it's to not be cool; be vulnerable. Not "cool". I trust him. He's the coolest artist I've ever met.
5. I'm the product. Even when my work is crap.
6. Chad Barela confidently purchases good supplies...then spends his last three dollars on coffee.
7. Your treasure is where your heart is. What do you treasure?
8. Brandi taught me that the synonyms for "begin" are all life bearing. [Look them up]. The antonyms are death bearing.
9. Vulnerability cannot exist with shame.
10. Do not vocalize your insecurity. DO NOT vocalize your insecurity. Do not VOCALIZE your insecurity. Do not vocalize your INSECURITY.
11. Vocalize what you are...even if you don't believe yourself.

                   I know what you're thinking, and the answer is now: Yes.
                                                I do believe if you think you're a giraffe you will become one.

12. Creativity is not birthed from our fallenness. We are ordained. We are ordained. WE ARE ORDAINED.

13. Our tongues are ambassadors for God.
      We are judged according to our influence.
      If you are charismatic--eloquent--a spoken, musical, performing artist--let that resonate: What are you saying? I had a moment with God the other day where I was held accountable for my irresponsibly slung speech.

       Dear 19 year old Jade,
                 People don't accept your apologies, and will forever question your mental health when you act like a belligerent idiot. Jesus still loves you. But your peers think you're absolutely unstable.
                                                                       [Still far from 24 year old] Jade

14. Despite my want to marry a poet. I must distinguish my love for them from my love for their craft. What if they decide to become a professional water skier? See! Divorce CAN be avoided.

15. I will not be passive aggressive. I will not be PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE. I will not capitalize on my own passive aggression for personal gain or blog hits.

16. When I was a teenager I had something right: My friends and I would sit by the river and create just for the sake of creating--because we couldn't do anything else.

17. Francy taught me the Lord affirms us when no one else will. He does. I would share my very personal ways He has, but they are mine. The Lord will tell you it's good--He will also tell you when you need more negative space.

18. Finally:

      Caitlin Hall: "Do not compare yourself to other people." In a city where the demographic is currently [primarily] invested in print and graphic design and photography--one outside of that realm can feel like what they produce is irrelevant. Allow me to sing this encouraging line written by The Backstreet Boys to you:

                                    "What makes you different...makes you beautiful..."