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Friday, November 28, 2014

It's More Organic than That

It's more organic than that. It's not good or bad. We can't keep thinking in absolutes. There's a destination between night and day, day and night, and it's called twilight and that's what I'm aiming for. There are two parallel lines. They call to each other like magnates. And there's nothing in between but tension and sadness. They haven't learned how to be circles yet.
 It's more organic than that. I wish I could unlock my brain.
 Back then, I used to run from scales and cystic pimples and cellulite.
 Now, I'm running from new amplified perceptions of what I should be.

 It was always hopeless because I always resorted to hopelessness. That is what I chose. But surely, it's more organic than that.

 Because spring always comes.