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Monday, December 28, 2015

The Story of Us

I crave
The sound of
Your breath
On my collarbone;

The damp, sweet spaces
Of wine, exhaust
And a symphony of the
Noises our
Skin makes
When you 
Shift and
Smooth me out

I imagine your cheek pressing into mine, 
Your fingers illuminating 
My spine 
Like the moon
Hanging low
On a glass lake;
Chill bumps rippling when you
Into my ear. 

"I sing the body electric,"
I am electric for you.
I am awake. 

So come
My House.

Retire here. 
My toes will weave into your toes.

I will wash away the travel on you;
Root you into the soft earth.
I will give you water;
Watch you flourish  
Like a rebirth.

My skin will 
Become your skin
Until we disintegrate into dust.

We'll birth blossoms between our bellies.

I write the story of us.

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