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Sunday, July 28, 2013

New Liaisons

 I am grateful for professors like Dr. Hester who are willing to meet with me during the summer when I am in an unstable, sheer state of panic. I went to speak to him this week about my degree audit. I have been spending so many endless nights fretting over how long it will take me to graduate the Education program.
 After several self-deprecating comments, he gave me the greatest compliment. He said:
 "Ms. Monroe, you are incredibly gifted. You're going to be the type of person who makes the job they have...possibly a job that has not yet been invented."
 My eclectic entrepreneurial spirit soared.
 After looking things over we discussed three possible degree options: going back to a BA in English and finishing up next December (I would need two years of Spanish), getting a Ministry degree with a concentration in English (he said I'd be good for the program), or getting a Psychology degree and finishing by May. The last one appealed to me the most. I have always found Psychology incredibly intriguing however I am unsure as to whether it would be wise to voyage down that path; I do not want to make any rash decisions.
  Today, I was with Tytus in kids ministry at The Keeill. After services Bella came up to me and I carried her around the art classroom (we meet at West End Middle). I began asking her about the students' art hanging on the walls. "Which one is your favorite?" I would ask. She stared, pointed, and touched the ones she found to be the most aesthetically pleasing. I found her choices interesting. The eyes of a child do not know the rules of color balance, symmetry, contrasting colors, negative space etc. We studied animal portraits and her favorite was (in my opinion) the sloppiest piece on the wall: it was a water color purple puppy with a orange belly. I asked her why, out of all the pieces she'd chosen that one. She said:
 "I like his purple face. He looks loving and friendly. His belly is warm."
 Leave it to the eyes of a child to change your mind. Suddenly the dog came to life for me. And I contemplated teaching art and allowing God to work through my interactions with children. I know no matter what I choose it will glorify the Lord and He will bless it. My hope is that I will choose the path that will be the most fulfilling to me and the one that will grow me the most.

 Lord, I ask that you would fill me with wisdom and patience. Breathe life into my bones as you guide me down the path in front of me. Let my sight not be tainted by my confusion or misunderstanding. I praise the One who knew my name when he spoke creation into existence. I praise the One who knows my needs, and who provides for me all the days of my life.