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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

About an Allen

"Well, maybe it is just the time of year, or maybe it's the time of man; I don't know who I am--but you know, life is for learning..."

-Joni Mitchell

 Three weeks ago I was talking to my best friend Allen about how the "grown up" world is just playing pretend. Because he has experienced "doing life" with various demographics--I take Allen's life stories very seriously. Without much hesitation he [as always] told me something incredibly jarring. His life--is predicted to come to a close at age 50. 
 Though I am not bold/brazen enough to look death in the face and say:

                                    "No, sir. You won't have this."
   I have hope knowing [for a period of time]...his body was strong enough to do so. The more I have thought about it, the more I pray his body will continue to defeat death far past his predicted lifespan. 
 The peculiar thing about Allen is: He has seen the face of sickness and death--he has tangibly grappled with loss and tragedy. He carries a wisdom no one else has; he lives as if every day is a bold proclamation.
   Allen gives me hope to consider maybe my days could be bold proclamations too.

   I cannot help but think: IF Allen passes at fifty--he will have LIVED 50 bold years. If I do not have a heart change--I could die at eighty...and not say the same about myself.
 I got enrolled in a class that is supposed to help me uncover my life's purpose: Point me in the direction of my life's work. But all of that is so foolish...because it's not functioning. We are a society obsessed with tools to fix the problems we are addicted to feeding. 
 It is sad that we are kept from the mystery of death; I think Allen has been gifted with his experiences [though they have been tragic], because he is an angel in disguise.